A childhood favorite made new again! Match pairs of pups -- German Shepherds, Beagles, Pugs, and more! -- to sharpen your memory while having fun with this colorful deck of 72 sturdy card tiles.
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Serving the Triad since 2005
Voted Best Children's Boutique by TMOM
Product description
How to play: Choose how many pairs of tiles to play with. Choose fewer pairs for younger players or play with all 72. Mix up the tiles you've chosen. (No peeking!) Put tiles face down in rows.
For 2 or more players: Take turns turning over 2 tiles at a time. If tiles don't match, put them face down again. Try to remember where they were! When you reveal a matched pair, set those tiles aside and take another turn. The player with the most tiles at the end of the game wins!
For 1 player: Set a timer or stopwatch. Turn over 2 tiles at a time. If they don't match, put them face down again. When you reveal a matched pair, set those tiles aside and keep going. Match the tiles as fast as you can!
Durable, colorful laminated card stock tiles are 2 mm thick and measure 2'' square, with rounded corners.
Set includes instruction sheet.
Sturdy, colorful box safeguards tiles when not in use.
Box measures 5-1/8'' wide x 5-1/8'' high x 1-7/8'' deep.